60 minute time limit

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3 to 6 players

Step out of your minds and into another’s

Room theme: Journey through dreams

Dr. Lucy needs your help. Lost in her own dreamscape, you and your team are the only ones who can save her. Step into her remarkable mind and explore the realm of imagination to complete the challenges in time. Will you be able to guide her back to reality?

There are multiple dreams to get through and you must collect as many DreamKeys as you can to save Dr. Lucy from the void.

Entering her mind, all will become random and uncontrollable, will you rescue Dr. Lucy from her thoughts so she can finish her milestone research?

It’s time for a nap of epic proportions.


Awesome experience unlike any escape room done before! Brilliant fun great challenge. Such a spectrum of puzzles, fantastically thought up

Tripadvisor Member


Journey through dreams


Awaken Dr. Lucy Dee

DreamKeys Obtained

Escape Rate


Is this an escape room?

Yes this is an escape room, however it does not follow the standard format. This game is frantic and high-pressure, but ultimately it is great fun.

What makes this game different to an escape room?

Dive into 5 epic dreams in 1 escape room! Conquer mind-bending puzzles, collect DreamKeys, and awaken Dr. Lucy Dee in this unique adventure. No pressure to solve them all! Teamwork & strategy rule the day. Ready to dream big? Book your Dreamscape Escape Room experience!

Is this suitable for beginners?

Dreamscape extends on the format of a standard escape room, and if you have never played one you will not quite understand what you have to do, making this game will be a "baptism of fire". Therefore this is not the best choice for newcomers as is it quite intense. You will be travelling through 5 different dreams, each like a mini-escape room which can be overwhelming. This is very fast-paced, very similar to the Crystal Maze style of challenges. We do advise to not make this your first escape room and is also the reason we do not let beginner groups of 2 book via the website.

Is this suitable for people who have done a few escape rooms?

The key difference in Dreamscape compared to your standard escape room is that all puzzles will not be completed. In a normal Escape Room if you succeed, you will have completed every puzzle. In Dreamscape this will not be the case, and you must understand this is done purposefully, but not to wind anybody up!

Is this suitable for children?

Dreams are all about the exploration of the unconscious mind. Although nightmares can happen in real dreams, we have not explored this in Dreamscape. There is nothing in this game that scary, nor spooky. Children accompanied with adults are welcome, but due to the fast-paced nature of this game, this may not be the most suitable game for children at Cryptology Nottingham.

What if we do terrible in each dream?

The concluding dream has been designed so that the better you do in each previous dream, the easier the final one is. If you don’t do that well in the previous dreams, the final one is still totally solvable - with teamwork and great communication.

What is the difficulty of this room?

This is not your standard escape room. It is Cryptology Nottingham’s mission statement to try to give all groups, of all ability, of all team size the full hour. 100% completion (all 20 DreamKeys) has only been achieved by a very small number of teams, but you will see that the escape rate is quite high. We recommend that you have played other escape rooms before tackling Dreamscape.

Are there any physical restrictions in this game?

This game is fast paced and requires mild dexterity. There is also one part of the experience that has some tight spaces but we don't want to give the game away. If you need more detail then please Contact Us.

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